Sample Test

1. Reading & Use Of English:?

In the first video, I explain each section of the exam, how it unfolds, what to expect and what to pay attention to. Then perform each section of this part of the test together.

2. Writing?

This topic covers the two exercises, plus documents containing a writing example and an assessment respectivey.

3. Listening?

This topic evaluates how used we are to using and listening to English and contains four different exercises, with different levels of difficulty and which must be addressed with different strategies, plus audio tests for download.

4. Speaking?

In this topic, will analyze the various stages of the speaking test and we can also look at recorded tests and read the comments of the examiners to give us an increasingly clear idea of what awaits us!

Useful Information

Extra Complete Test

Vocabulary Excercises

Grammar Exercises

Listening part 1
Let’s discover together the characteristics of the first exercise of this section!